I am the Breakfast Hostess at the Fairmont Hampton Inn. In the beginning, STEP helped me learn all the different parts so I could do the job by myself with only some job support. I package and sell my own Sunshine Suzy brand of Super Crunchy Corn Nibblets. STEP has been amazing in helping me learn and follow food safety rules. I am also a motivational speaker! I speak at corporate events, schools, service organizations and more. Learn more about my nibblets and more at www.sunshinesuzy.weebly.com
It has been John's dream to share his poetry with others. With the help of his employment consultant at STEP Inc. and the Minnesota Micro Grant Program through ARC Minnesota, his dream became a reality.

Keith Larson, a local artist, with help from STEP Inc. , Becki Steier (a Blue Earth, MN. Buisness owner) , and a ARC of Minnesota Micro Grant, begins his new line of one-of-a-kind silk scarves and launches his new company FreeSpirit North. Like us on Facebook!
My team and I reached out to STEP Inc. to explore the options of competitive employment through their Customized Employment program. An Employment Consultant through STEP Inc. teamed up with my team and me and with her help I am successfully working in the competitive employment field as a custodian at a local church doing what I love to do. The church has commented that they are thrilled to have me at the church and that everything looks wonderful.

A employee at STEP Inc. since 2018, at her admission meeting Carolyn expressed interest in Competitive Employment. A Employment Consultant was assigned to her to assist in finding competitive employment. For the last year she has been working on job development skills in the laundry department at a local nursing home. Recently she was offered a position there.